Tennessee Association of Colleges and Employers News
Tennessee Association of Colleges and Employers blog postsTennessee Association of Colleges and EmployersWild Apricot - membership management software and moreenWed, 25 May 2016 02:43:52 GMTWed, 25 May 2016 02:43:52 GMTFri, 23 Aug 2013 15:41:28 GMTMusic Road Inn Teams Up for a Special Discount for TACE Members<a href="https://www.musicroadinn.com/" target="_blank"><img style="MARGIN: 7px" border="0" alt="" align="left" src="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Pictures/MusicRoadHotel.jpg" width="200" height="123" y="7" x="7"></a>Music Road Inn in Pigeon Forge, TN has been selected as the site of our 2014 Conference to be held April 24,-25, 2014.<br>
We have joined their corporate program which will allow TACE members to get discounts on stays through the year. When planning your next visit to Gatlinburg, be sure to contact <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Gene Crabtree</a> and he will provide you with a discount flyer.
https://tace.org/page-571804/1372642Lynn HaleyTue, 13 Aug 2013 21:51:19 GMTAug. 6 - Chattanooga Meeting<p style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><a href="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Documents/Report%20on%20the%20Chattanooga%20Meeting%20Aug%206%202013.pdf" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" face="Arial"><img style="MARGIN: 7px" title="" border="0" alt="" align="left" src="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Pictures/August%206%20TACE%20in%20Chatt1.JPG" width="100" height="75">Click here</font></a> <font face="Arial">to review a report from TACE President, Gene Crabtree, regarding the August 6, workshop held at the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce. Thanks to all who attended and to our presenter, Wayne Hampton. A special thanks to Mattie Moran for hosting this great event.<br>
Don't forget to register for the Sept. 6th event hosted by Carolyn Carson at Pellissippi State. You must register for this event on the TACE website but the cost is being covered courtesy of Carolyn and Pellissippi State. Don't miss out on great presentations from Stacy Ballinger of Lee University and Leslie Fox of ORAU/ORISE.</font></p>
https://tace.org/page-571804/1364540Lynn HaleyMon, 05 Aug 2013 20:02:55 GMTAug. 2 - TACE Regional Workshop - Kingsport<img style="MARGIN: 7px" title="" border="0" alt="" align="left" src="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Pictures/TACE%20Kport%20Aug%202%202013%20Group.JPG" width="200" height="149" x="7" y="7">Who is this great group who attended the Kingsport Meeting: Front L to R: Katie Gilman, Enterprise, Dave Magee, ETSU, Beth Anderson, Milligan College. Back L to R: Marquita Tittle, Northeast State, Brian Crawford Denso Mfg., Calvin Purvis, ETSU, Heather Jackson, Milligan College and Robin Law, Tusculum College. Great presentations by Katie, Beth and Dave. Don't forget our next workshop set for August 6 in Chattanooga. Presenter Wayne Hampton on Disney's Leadership Program. We're still taking reservations!! <a href="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Documents/Report%20on%20the%20Kingsport%20Meeting%20Aug%202%202013.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>Click here</strong></a> for a report on the day's events prepared by TACE president, Gene Crabtree.
https://tace.org/page-571804/1359039Lynn HaleyMon, 29 Jul 2013 17:39:14 GMTPresident's Report on the Midsummer Breakout Session<img style="MARGIN: 7px" title="" border="0" alt="" align="left" src="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Pictures/2013midsummerattendees_opt.jpg" width="200" height="68" x="7" y="7"><a href="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Documents/Report%20on%20the%20summer%20breakout.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>Click here</strong></a> to see a report (with some amazing pictures) from our TACE President, Gene Crabtree, regarding the great networking session held on Friday, July 26th at Cumberland Mountain State Park. He also has several reminders about upcoming events that you will want to register for <em><strong>NOW</strong></em> by going to the Workshops link on the left side of the page.
https://tace.org/page-571804/1353818Lynn HaleyWed, 17 Jul 2013 22:23:21 GMTA Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!!<img style="MARGIN: 7px" title="" border="3" alt="" align="left" src="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Pictures/Scream%202.jpg" width="73" height="100" y="7" x="7">Nothing tells the story of an organization like a picture. We now have <strong><em>two</em></strong> options to add photos to our website.<br>
1. Add your professional photo to our Membership Directory (you'll never forget a name or face again!) <em><strong>and</strong></em> you can create your own personal Member Album in our membership directory<br>
2. Add photos to our new Photo Album menu link<br>
As a TACE member, you can add to our archives by adding pictures of TACE events to our website. This feature is available ONLY to TACE members so feel free to log into your TACE account and add to our four current albums: 2013 Conference, TACE Award Winners, Former TACE Presidents and Blast From The Past.<br>
Have problems uploading a picture? Contact <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Lynn Haley</a>
https://tace.org/page-571804/1342953Lynn HaleyWed, 17 Jul 2013 15:07:24 GMTMAKE YOURSELF A NOTE!<p><img style="MARGIN: 7px" title="" border="0" alt="" align="left" src="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Pictures/Allans_car.JPG" width="200" height="149">It's that time of year again! Please send your list of upcoming career fairs along with a small description of the event, registration details and/or a link to your website. Be sure to include your time zone and any other pertinent information you would like made available.<br>
<strong><em>NEW FEATURE!</em></strong> When you send your career fair information, attach a small .jpg of your school logo (100 pixels) and we will add it to each of your career fair announcements. Email <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><strong>Lynn Haley</strong></a> with your Career Fair information on or before Friday, August 16. </p>
https://tace.org/page-571804/1342584Lynn HaleyTue, 02 Jul 2013 18:10:54 GMTRequest to Host an Event for the 2014-2015 Academic Year<p style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><b><span style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&formkey=dExFanp5RGIyZ0FpSDBSZURnSzE1cnc6MA" target="_blank"><img style="MARGIN: 7px" border="0" alt="" align="left" src="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Pictures/calendar_opt.jpg" width="100" height="72" x="7" y="7"></a>TACE</span></b> <span style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">is committed to excellence in its initiatives to bring together colleges and employers. To help us achieve this goal, we reach out to member representatives in our organization by asking them to work with us to improve our programs, events, and networking.<span> </span> You may have noticed the array of events/participation for the upcoming year.<span> </span> Should you be interested in hosting TACE at your organization or campus, we welcome the opportunity to partner with you.<span> </span></span></p>
<p style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"></p>
<p style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">We are currently accepting requests to host event(s) for the 2014-2015 academic year.<span> </span> Please complete the <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&formkey=dExFanp5RGIyZ0FpSDBSZURnSzE1cnc6MA" target="_blank"><font color="#0066CC">Workshop Host Request</font></a> form to host a regional or statewide event</span></p>
https://tace.org/page-571804/1331738Lynn HaleyFri, 28 Jun 2013 15:54:19 GMTWelcome Kevin Hudson, Jr.<img style="MARGIN: 7px" title="" border="0" alt="" align="left" src="https://www.tace.org/Resources/Pictures/LakeciasKevin_opt.jpg" width="161" height="172">Proud parents Kevin and LaKecia Hudson announce the birth of their son, <em><strong>Kevin Hudson, Jr</strong></em>.<br>
Born June 7, 2013 at 8:02 a.m.<br>
7 lbs. 14oz. and 19 inches<br>
Congratulations and best wishes to the Hudson family from your TACE friends and "family"<br>
Can you bring him to the annual meeting in Pigeon Forge, TN -- if not sooner??? :-)
https://tace.org/page-571804/1329137Lynn Haley